As a researcher, has always been a hobby of mine to study human behavior and to analyze the differences in how we consume then reacts media, information and current events. Analyzing how a person behaves, you are (in theory) be able to predict future actions. Companies do often. Understanding your customers and their behavior and then customize your business to meet future needs. Business 101.
When browsing through levels the Raven "on a Web page online appointments, I came across an interesting discussion in the category of World Cup. I was puzzled to see how popular it has become this category as it is no secret that many Americans open like football and refuse to acknowledge its existence. These Americans are content to live in a world, steal soccer, Basketball, Baseball and Hockey, and how can you blame them? American sports is a $ 70-billion dollars, which is plenty to feed even the biggest sporting appetite.
Before writing this article I have a male friend his opinion and the football World Cup. He said, "Soccer is Sissies, but will watch the World Cup." Professionally, I listened with interest. Personally, I was confused. Why were people "Raven-ing" about the World Cup through an online dating site? What was the motivation? What they say? ... and because my friend wants to watch a bunch of sissies "plays soccer?!?
Curiosity, read the online dating World Cup Babble thread and was able to gain some quick and dirty insight on how Americans consume the FIFA World Cup 2010. Here are my observations:
women women in America have a unique view, when it comes to football. Have a genuine interest in the game, and seems to understand what is happening in better than many American men. While women are not able to tell you how many shots in the USA team against England peop (12 shots, 4 in goal), or because the 2-2 tie with Slovenia was an excellent result (USA advances with a win vs. Algeria), be able to tell you that Landon Donovan is a family man and married, Clint Dempsey likes to Rap, from Texas and that David Beckham is a Metro sexual and "hot". Women are not football fans are fans of footballers.
Men: Ignorant at best and patriotic heart-worthy combination. My friend who thinks "soccer is for sissies" is a male Texas. Don't understand soccer, this is not the love of sport, and do not understand the size or impact of the World Cup for mankind. Men, however, understand what it means to die-hard passion, patriotic to the bone and understand sport, skill and strategy. Men sports fans, not a football fans.
American alien: knowledgeable, passionate, but tactful. American alien understands the World Cup is the biggest sporting event in the world and as individuals embody the passion that is the FIFA World Cup 2010. These are the people who want to take vacation day from work, but negotiate to use that day in increments of 2 hours, so that they can watch games on television. While we understand sport, understand the "commoners" around them not to. American alien I educate their friends about the "beautiful game" and attempts to grow the love of soccer throughout the social community. No lecture, distinguishing, and teach through Guided discussion, humor and debate. American alien has conditioned to be an advocate for soccer, but not by promoter. There are sometimes better in an American life by watching an aliens game football themselves in a room with the volume on high. This is private, and only.
conclusion: America is about football, but don't want to be. Understand the World Cup is a great event, but I don't understand why. Americans register entry into the community of Raven since Raven and reading comments is like a little puzz straighten a wall. One entry = one piece of the puzzle. Any person who places on the World Cup had a different perspective from the other and the beauty of this is the sum of all parts of creates a set. A completed puzzle leads to increased and comprehensive understanding. Between the American foreigner, the feminine and masculine Patriot fan, there's a World Cup fan base that online dating website that understands Soccer and everything that is the FIFA World Cup 2010.
Especially for online appointments, most interesting part of the Raven was when one Member suggested that anyone was football fan meet at local soccer event. How great it would be? Have a group of singles meet bonds and during an event that together they can understand and enjoy to the fullest. Itself is confused. Together, learn and enjoy. This viral is online dating magic! THIS my friends is how to find your perfect match with through FIFA World Cup, and why they posted their views on an online dating site ...Genius!
What a great first date ideas-Go watch a football match in your local pub!
What a great topic for conversation-FIFA World Cup 2010.
What a great group activity-Mingle singles in local football or start a group for singles in your area.
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